FILAF 2018
FILAF 2018
FILAF 2017
FILAF 2017
FILAF 2016
FILAF 2016
FILAF 2015
FILAF 2015
FILAF 2014
FILAF 2014
Hors les Murs
Chaque été, le FILAF organise une grande exposition.
Michel Houellebecq, David Lynch, Pierre et Gilles sont autant d'artistes qui ont été présentés ces dernières années.
FILAF 2013
Pierre et Gilles
Le Génie du Christianisme
Couvent des Minimes, Perpignan
été 2018
Cette exposition vise à présenter une série d’œuvres anciennes et inédites ayant le sacré religieux pour point commun. Se développe ainsi une imagerie pieuse mais prise au filet des poses marquées et des couleurs ultra saturées de Pierre et Gilles. La chapelle désacralisée, dont les fresques murales sont masquées en attente d’une restauration, retrouve ainsi sa vocation mystique le temps de l’exposition du duo français. Loin d’être une provocation, l’exposition montre ainsi que l’imagerie religieuse de Pierre et Gilles perçue à travers une douzaine de grands formats s’inscrit parfaitement dans un cadre traditionnel et renvoie clairement à la sensualité déjà présente dans les peintures de la renaissance.

Souvenir (Isabelle Huppert), Pierre et Gilles, 2016, photographie imprimée par jet d’encre sur toile et peinte, 119 x 167 cm.
Courtesy des artistes et de la Galerie Templon, Paris - Brussels.
Hors les Murs
Chaque été, le FILAF organise une grande exposition.
Michel Houellebecq, David Lynch, Pierre et Gilles sont autant d'artistes qui ont été présentés ces dernières années.
Pierre et Gilles
Le Génie du Christianisme
Couvent des Minimes, Perpignan
été 2018
Cette exposition vise à présenter une série d’œuvres anciennes et inédites ayant le sacré religieux pour point commun. Se développe ainsi une imagerie pieuse mais prise au filet des poses marquées et des couleurs ultra saturées de Pierre et Gilles. La chapelle désacralisée, dont les fresques murales sont masquées en attente d’une restauration, retrouve ainsi sa vocation mystique le temps de l’exposition du duo français. Loin d’être une provocation, l’exposition montre ainsi que l’imagerie religieuse de Pierre et Gilles perçue à travers une douzaine de grands formats s’inscrit parfaitement dans un cadre traditionnel et renvoie clairement à la sensualité déjà présente dans les peintures de la renaissance.

FILAF 2013
Souvenir (Isabelle Huppert), Pierre et Gilles, 2016, photographie imprimée par jet d’encre sur toile et peinte, 119 x 167 cm.
Courtesy des artistes et de la Galerie Templon, Paris - Brussels.
Une exposition en coproduction avec la Ville de Perpignan.
Commissariat Numa Hambursin.
David Lynch
Works on Paper
Chapelle du Tiers Ordre, Perpignan
été 2017
David Lynch, connu pour ses films et séries, se pense avant tout comme un artiste, un peintre surtout. Son œuvre gravé est né de la rencontre avec les mythiques ateliers ITEM à Paris. Lynch y produit des séries d’œuvres complexes, obscures et mystiques, à l’image de son univers. Ses dessins ont été exposés pour la première fois à la Fondation Cartier en 2007. Ici c’est son œuvre gravé qui est mis en lumière à travers vingt-cinq lithographies récentes. Formes abstraites, symboles, énoncés mystérieux construisent en filigrane une narration où l’inquiétude se mêle à l’ironie.
Cette exposition de David Lynch est accompagnée d’un texte inédit de Mark Alizart.
Une exposition en coproduction avec la Ville de Perpignan.
Commissariat Numa Hambursin.
David Lynch
Works on Paper
Chapelle du Tiers Ordre, Perpignan
été 2017
David Lynch, connu pour ses films et séries, se pense avant tout comme un artiste, un peintre surtout. Son œuvre gravé est né de la rencontre avec les mythiques ateliers ITEM à Paris. Lynch y produit des séries d’œuvres complexes, obscures et mystiques, à l’image de son univers. Ses dessins ont été exposés pour la première fois à la Fondation Cartier en 2007. Ici c’est son œuvre gravé qui est mis en lumière à travers vingt-cinq lithographies récentes. Formes abstraites, symboles, énoncés mystérieux construisent en filigrane une narration où l’inquiétude se mêle à l’ironie.
Cette exposition de David Lynch est accompagnée d’un texte inédit de Mark Alizart.
FILAF Hors les Murs
Charlotte Perriand
Thursday 30th of April, 2020, Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of Nouveau monde by Charlotte Perriand, exhibition at the Louis Vuitton Foundation.
An intervention of Sébastien Gokalp, Director of the Immigration's Museum and co-curator of the exhibition.

Léonard De Vinci
Friday, 6th of March, 2020, Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of Léonard de Vinci, la rétrospective, exhibition by Musée du Louvre, Paris.
An intervention of Vincent Delieuvin, author and art historian, heritage curator at Musée du Louvre, and co-curator of the exhibition.

Degas à l'Opéra
Friday, 14th of February 2020 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of the exhibition Degas à l'Opéra, exhibition of The Orsay's Museum, Paris.
An intervention of Léïla Jarbouai, curator of Graphic Arts at Orsay's Museum and co-curator of the exhibition.

Picasso. Bleu et Rose
Thursday 14th of november 2019 - Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of the exhibition Picasso. Bleu et Rose, exhibition by Orsay' Museum, Paris.
An intervention of Stéphanie Molins, mission head with the President of Picasso Museum in Paris and co-curator of the exhibition.

FILAF / Gallery Prize, 2019
Saturday, 19th of october, 2019 - Carreau du Temple, Paris
For four years now, the FILAF Festival is a partner of Galeristes, a contemporary art fair that takes place in Carreau du Temple in Paris, which is about bringing together engaged galleries in support of their artists.
This year, Galeristes and FILAF are partners in order to reset the prize of the Best Art Book 2018-2019, edit by one of the galleries that participate to the fair.
This prize, reset on the next 19th of October, will be chaired by Chris Dercon, President of RMN-Grand Palais.

Giacometti, entre tradition et avant-garde
- Thursday 11th of april 2019 - Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
- Friday 19th of april 2019 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of Giacometti, entre tradition et avant-garde, exhibition of Maillol Museum in Paris.
An intervention of Thierry Pautot, Reponsible for Research at Giacometti Foundation and co-curator of the exhibition.

Friday 29th of march 2019 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of Miro, retrospective by Grand Palais in Paris.
An intervention of Jean-Louis Prat, former Director of Maegh Foundation and curator of the exhibition.

Street Art Contexte(s)
Thursday 7th of november 2018 - Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of the work Street Art Context(s) (éd. Alternatives).
An intervention of Olivier Landes, author of this book, town planner, founder of Art en Ville Association, In Situ Festival at Aubervilliers and Art triennial in public spaces of the city of Rouen.

FILAF festival at the Fiac Paris
Sunday 21th of october 2018 - Parvis du Grand Palais, Paris
For the sixth year in a row, in order of the partnership with the FIAC, the FILAF festival offers a selection a films about art during the famous parisian contemporary art fair.
Projected inside the Cinéphémère of the Fondation d'Entreprise Ricard, a container changed into a 16 sits cinema, the films are linked with the FILAF 2018 programming: laureate films, guest of honnor films...
Find out all the program there

Irving Penn, le centenaire
Friday 25th of may 2018 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of Irving Penn, le Centenaire, retrospective exhibition of Grand Palais in Paris.
An intervention of Jérôme Neutres, Director of Strategy and Development at the RMN / Grand Palais and co-curator of the exhibition.

Picasso 1932. Année Érotique
Friday 13th of april 2018 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of Picasso 1932. Année Érotique, exhibition by Picasso Museum in Paris.
An intervention of Laurence Madeline, Independant heritage curator and co-curator of the exhbition.

Fernand Léger. Le beau est partout
Thrusday 1st of february 2018, Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of Fernard Léger. Le beau est partout, an exhibition by Centre Pompidou Metz.
An intervention by Anne Horvat, heritage curator of the Centre Pompidou Metz and curator of the exhibition.

Conference Apollinaire, lettres, calligrammes et manuscrits
Thursday 30th of november 2017 - Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of the youth book Apollinaire, lettres, calligrammes et manuscrits (éd. Textuels / BnF).
An intervention by Peter Read, author of the book, Professor at Canterbury University and member of the Writing of Modernity Search group at CNRS.

Magritte, la trahison des images
Thursday 27th of april 2017 - Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of Magritte, la trahison des images, restrospective exhibition by Centre Pompidou in Paris.
An intervention by Didier Ottinger, deputy director of Centre Pompidou and curator of the exhibition.

Conference Bernard Buffet
Friday 3rd of march 2017 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Pesentation with pictures of Bernard Buffet retrospective exhibition by the Museum of Modern in Paris.
An intervention by Dominique Gagneux, Heritage Curator at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and curator of the exhibition.

Loevenbruck and Semiose laureates of the Prize FILAF / Galeristes 2016
Saturday 10th of december 2016 - Carreau du Temple, Paris
The works Michel Parmentier (ed. Loevenbruck) and Cloaca maxima. Ernest T (ed. Semiose) are both laureate eof the Prize FILAF / Galeristes of the best book of art edit by a gallery2015/2016.
The jury, chaired by Didier Ottinger (deputy director of Centre Pompidou), was composed of the artists Carine Brancowitz, David Desrimais (Jean Boites éditions), Hervé Digne (Carmin France) et Alexandre Curnier (Noto Magazine).

FILAF festival at Offprint Paris
From 10 to 13 of november 2016 - École des Beaux-Arts, Paris
For the fifth year in a row, the FILAF festival participates to Offprint Paris, the independent publishers fair.
Do not hesitate to come to visit us, our stall is number 70.
We will present you our new editions!

Laura, Directrice du FILAF
FILAF festival at Art Llibris Barcelona
April, 26th 2016 - Arts Center Santa Monica, Barcelone
The FILAF festival is a guest of honour at Art Llibris Barcelona. Spanish audience is conquered by our festival and its art original vision through the prism of books and films.

Conference Warhol Unlimited
Friday 25th of march 2016 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of Warhol Unlimited, exhibition of the Museum of Modern Art of Paris.
An intervention by Sébastien Gokalp, heritage curator at the Museum of Modern Art of Paris ans co-curator of the exhibition.

Projection Illustre et Inconnu. Comment Jacques Jaujard a sauvé le Louvre ?
Friday 12th of february 2016 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Projection in the presence of Pierre Pochart (réalisateur) and Laura Barraud (LadyBirds Films).

FILAF festival at Offprint Paris
from 13 to 16 of november 2014 - École des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Each year since 2011, the FILAF festival participate to Offprint at Paris School of Fine Arts.
During this fair, independant publishers, the FILAF festival and newwspaper filaf annual are presented to an audience always more important at the meeting of small publishing houses.

The FILAF festival at Offprint Paris
From 14 to 17 of november 2013 - École des Beaux-Arts, Paris
For the second time, FILAF participate to Offprint, independant publishers fair.
This annual meeting at the School of Fine Arts of Paris is the occasion for us to present you the new edition of our newspaper filaf annual : with some changes.

Francis Bacon
Friday, 20th of March, 2020, Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of Francis Bacon, en toutes lettres, exhibition by Centre Pompidou Paris.
An intervention of Didier Ottinger, general heritage curator, modern and contemporary painting specialist, and deputy director of the Centre Pompidou, Paris.

Thursday, 27th of February 2020, Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of Toulouse-Lautrec, exhibition of The National Museum of Picasso-Paris.
An intervention of Stéphane Guégan, art historian and critic, french romantic specialist, painting's curator at Orsay's Museum and co-curator of the exhibition.

Calder - Picasso
Friday, 29th of November, 2019 - Le Réservoir, Sète
Presentation with pictures of the exhibition Calder - Picasso, exhibition of the National Museum Picasso-Paris.
An intervention of Claire Garnier, director of the collections, the production and the mediation and co-curator of the exhibition.

Friday 25th of octobre 2019 - Nouvelle Tour de l'Arbre Blanc, Montpellier
Presentation with pictures about Pierre Soulages.
An intervention of Benoît Decron, Director of Soulages Museum in Rodez.

Conference Yves Klein
Thursday 3rd of october 2019 - Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of the book Yves Klein, German Adventure (ed. Manuella).
An intervention of Robert Fleck, author of the book, art critic, exhibition's curator, professor and deputy director of Kunstakademie at Düsseldorf.

Picasso. Bleu et Rose
Friday 10th of may 2019 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of the exhibition Picasso. Bleu et Rose, exhibition by Orsay's Museum, Paris.
An intervention of Stéphanie Molins, mission head with the President of Picasso Museum in Paris and co-curator of the exhibition.

1917. Picasso à Barcelone
Saturday 1st of december 2018 - Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of 1917. Picasso à Barcelone, exhibition of Picasso Museum in Barcelone.
An intervention of Malen Gual, heritage Curator at Picasso Museum in Barcelone and curator of the exhibition.

FILAF / Galeristes Prize 2018
Saturday 1st of december 2018 - Carreau du Temple, Paris
The work Les Travaux et les Jours by Hélène Delprat (co.ed. Galerie Christophe Gaillard et Dilecta), and Cathryn Boch (ed. Galerie Papillon) are both laureates of FILAF / Galeristes Prize of Best Art Book edit by a gallery 2017/2018.
The jury, chaired by Laurence des Cars, was composed by the artist Alexandre Léger, the journalist and art critic Sabrina Silamo, the authors Jean-Yves Jouannais and Christophe Donner and the museum curator Sébastien Gokalp.

FILAF festival at the Drawing Room Montpellier
Sunday 16th of september 2018 - La Panacée, Montpellier
The FILAF festival and Drawing Room, contemporary drawing fair, are partner.
This opportunity to invite Alain Jaubert, guest of honnor of the FILAF 2018, to present his film about Cave of Lascaux iconography and to autograph his last novel Sous les pavés, but also his catalog about Turner's sketchbooks (ed. Cohen & Cohen).

Alain Jaubert (à gauche) aux côtés de
Christian Laune (Galerie Chantiers Boite Noire Montpellier) et Laura (directrice FILAF)
FILAF festival at the Book Fair of the Grand Narbonne
Saturday 5th may 2018 - Cours Mirabeau, Narbonne
FILAF and Book Fair of the Grand Narbonne are partners.
This fair wants to develop a pole putting in honor the art edition thanks to FILAF this seven past years.
In this order, Camille Laurens and Catherine Millet are invited to present their last books: La Petite danseuse de quatorze ans for Laurens, and Aimer Lawrence for Millet.
Moderation by Numa Hambursin.

Catherine Millet en discussion publique avec Numa Hambursin
Friday 16th of march 2018 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of the monography Gauguin (éd. Fayard).
An intervention of David Haziot, author of the book and French Academy Prize and Goncourt Prize for other works.

Cyril Zarcone laureate of FILAF / Galeristes 2017 Prize
Saturday 9th of december 2017 - Carreau du Temple, Paris
Cyril Zarcone and his project re/production are laureate of the prize FILAF / Galeristes of the best book of art édit by a gallery 2016/2017 (Gallery Eric Mouchet).
The jury, chaired by Yvon Lambert, was composed by the artist Gilles Barbier, Caroline Bourgeois (collection Pinault), and the designer Philippe Apeloig and the author Clarisse Gorokhoff.
Cyril Zarcone will participate to the first edition of Independent Pages, the new book fair of FILAF, will expose his project in Perpignan from 21 to 24 of june.

Cyril Zarcone aux côtés du jury et de l'équipe de la galerie
Rodin, l'exposition du centenaire
Friday 30th of june 2017 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of Rodin, l'exposition du centenaire, exhibition by Grand Palais in Paris.
An intervention by Antoinette Le Normand-Romain, executive director of INHA / Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (History of Art National Institute) and co-curator of the exhibition.

Warhol Unlimited
April , 13th 2017 - Médiathèque du Bassin d'Aurillac
Presentation with pictures of Warhol Unlimited, an exhibition by Museum of Modern Art in Paris.
An intervention by Hervé Vanel, Professor at the American University of Paris et co-curator of the exhibition.

Conference Mais qu'est-ce qu'elle a donc cette Joconde ?
Thursday 23th of february 2017 - Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of the youth book Mais qu'est-ce qu'elle a donc cette Joconde ? (ed. Actes Sud Junior).
An intervention by Vincent Delieuvin, author of the book and heritage curator at the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Conference Rembrandt Intime
Thursday 8th of december 2016 - Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne
Presentation with pictures of Rembrandt Intime, exhibition by Jacquemart André Museum in Paris.
An intervention by Pierre Curie, Director ofJacquemart André Museum and curator of the exhibition.

Conference Picasso.Mania
Friday 13th of may 2016 - Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon
Presentation with pictures of Picasso.Mania, exhibition by Grand Palais Paris.
An intervention by Didier Ottinger, deputy director of Centre Pompidou and curator of the exhibition.

Projection Diego Velazquez ou le réalisme sauvage
April, 26th 2016 - Médiathèque du Bassin d'Aurillac
Projection in the presence of Saskia Nilly (Les Poissons Volants Films).

Lauch duof filaf annual #4 at the Galerie du jour agnès b.
Saturday 19th of march 2016 from 18h - Galerie du jour agnès b., Paris
On the occasion of the publication of the fourth pane of the newspaper filaf annual a parisian launching is organised at the Galerie du jour agnès b.

FILAF at (OFF)ICIELLE, Off part of Fiac
From 21 to 25 of october 2015 - Cité de la Mode et du Design, Paris
(OFF)ICIELLE, art fair and little sister of the Fiac, celebrates her second edition at La Cité de la Mode et du Design in Paris. One more time, the FILAF festival is part of the event among the international galleries: sale of the new filaf annual and informations about the Festival.

FILAF festival at Paris Photo
From 13 to 17 of november 2013 - Grand Palais, Paris
After participating to the FIAC at the Grand Palais last month, by projecting all the award-winning films in Perpignan, the FILAF festival is back in the capital.
On the occasion of Paris Photo, the FILAF team presents his new newspaper edition of filaf annual.