FILAF 2018
FILAF 2018
FILAF 2017
FILAF 2017
FILAF 2016
FILAF 2016
FILAF 2015
FILAF 2015
FILAF 2014
FILAF 2014
Hors les Murs
Chaque été, le FILAF organise une grande exposition.
Michel Houellebecq, David Lynch, Pierre et Gilles sont autant d'artistes qui ont été présentés ces dernières années.
FILAF 2013
Pierre et Gilles
Le Génie du Christianisme
Couvent des Minimes, Perpignan
été 2018
Cette exposition vise à présenter une série d’œuvres anciennes et inédites ayant le sacré religieux pour point commun. Se développe ainsi une imagerie pieuse mais prise au filet des poses marquées et des couleurs ultra saturées de Pierre et Gilles. La chapelle désacralisée, dont les fresques murales sont masquées en attente d’une restauration, retrouve ainsi sa vocation mystique le temps de l’exposition du duo français. Loin d’être une provocation, l’exposition montre ainsi que l’imagerie religieuse de Pierre et Gilles perçue à travers une douzaine de grands formats s’inscrit parfaitement dans un cadre traditionnel et renvoie clairement à la sensualité déjà présente dans les peintures de la renaissance.

Souvenir (Isabelle Huppert), Pierre et Gilles, 2016, photographie imprimée par jet d’encre sur toile et peinte, 119 x 167 cm.
Courtesy des artistes et de la Galerie Templon, Paris - Brussels.
Hors les Murs
Chaque été, le FILAF organise une grande exposition.
Michel Houellebecq, David Lynch, Pierre et Gilles sont autant d'artistes qui ont été présentés ces dernières années.
Pierre et Gilles
Le Génie du Christianisme
Couvent des Minimes, Perpignan
été 2018
Cette exposition vise à présenter une série d’œuvres anciennes et inédites ayant le sacré religieux pour point commun. Se développe ainsi une imagerie pieuse mais prise au filet des poses marquées et des couleurs ultra saturées de Pierre et Gilles. La chapelle désacralisée, dont les fresques murales sont masquées en attente d’une restauration, retrouve ainsi sa vocation mystique le temps de l’exposition du duo français. Loin d’être une provocation, l’exposition montre ainsi que l’imagerie religieuse de Pierre et Gilles perçue à travers une douzaine de grands formats s’inscrit parfaitement dans un cadre traditionnel et renvoie clairement à la sensualité déjà présente dans les peintures de la renaissance.

FILAF 2013
Souvenir (Isabelle Huppert), Pierre et Gilles, 2016, photographie imprimée par jet d’encre sur toile et peinte, 119 x 167 cm.
Courtesy des artistes et de la Galerie Templon, Paris - Brussels.
Une exposition en coproduction avec la Ville de Perpignan.
Commissariat Numa Hambursin.
David Lynch
Works on Paper
Chapelle du Tiers Ordre, Perpignan
été 2017
David Lynch, connu pour ses films et séries, se pense avant tout comme un artiste, un peintre surtout. Son œuvre gravé est né de la rencontre avec les mythiques ateliers ITEM à Paris. Lynch y produit des séries d’œuvres complexes, obscures et mystiques, à l’image de son univers. Ses dessins ont été exposés pour la première fois à la Fondation Cartier en 2007. Ici c’est son œuvre gravé qui est mis en lumière à travers vingt-cinq lithographies récentes. Formes abstraites, symboles, énoncés mystérieux construisent en filigrane une narration où l’inquiétude se mêle à l’ironie.
Cette exposition de David Lynch est accompagnée d’un texte inédit de Mark Alizart.
Une exposition en coproduction avec la Ville de Perpignan.
Commissariat Numa Hambursin.
David Lynch
Works on Paper
Chapelle du Tiers Ordre, Perpignan
été 2017
David Lynch, connu pour ses films et séries, se pense avant tout comme un artiste, un peintre surtout. Son œuvre gravé est né de la rencontre avec les mythiques ateliers ITEM à Paris. Lynch y produit des séries d’œuvres complexes, obscures et mystiques, à l’image de son univers. Ses dessins ont été exposés pour la première fois à la Fondation Cartier en 2007. Ici c’est son œuvre gravé qui est mis en lumière à travers vingt-cinq lithographies récentes. Formes abstraites, symboles, énoncés mystérieux construisent en filigrane une narration où l’inquiétude se mêle à l’ironie.
Cette exposition de David Lynch est accompagnée d’un texte inédit de Mark Alizart.
7th édition - 2017
International Art Book and Film Festival

© Arnaud Pyvka et Groupe ccc
Making Of - FILAF 2O17
Making off FILAF 2017
Download the program here.
David Lynch
Works on Paper
Chapelle du Tiers Ordre, Perpignan
Summer 2017
David Lynch, best known for his movies and TV shows, thinks himself first as an artist, and especially a painter.
His engraved work was born from the meeting with the mythical workshops ITEM in Paris. Lynch produced a series of complex, dark, and mystical work, that reflect the image of his universe. His drawings had been exposed for the first time at the Fondation Cartier in 2007. During this exhibition, this is his engraved work that is highlighted through twenty-five recent lithographs. Abstract shapes, symbols, mysterious statements do build a narration where the worry mingles with irony.
David Lynch's exhibition is accompanied by an original text by Mark Alizart.

Jean-Michel Alberola
Galerie du FILAF, Perpignan
Summer 2017
Whether it takes the shape of a painting, an engraving, or films, Jean-Michel Alberola's work is covered by literature and philosophy. We thus find the borrowing of texts by Benjamin, Marx, Kafka, or Stevenson. Through the exhibitions of his art books and several recent plays, neons, and engravings, the Scénarios exhibitions come back on the intimate relationship between the work and the text.

Guests of Honour

Annette Messager
French artist and plastician, she realized installations incorporating several artistic technics including photography and drawing. She realized almost sixty album-collections from 1972 to 1974. Drawing her inspiration in words, writings, and images, the artist composes her albums from an accumulation of texts, photographs, annotations, and various articles, carefully collected and sorted. She taught at the national fine-arts school of Paris and received, in 2005, the Golden Lion for the 51st Biennale of Venice for her work Casino.

Jean-Yves Jouannais
French art critic and writer, he was editor of the journal ArtPress, and of Exhibition (contemporary art TV show broadcasted on Arte) and one of the founders of the Revue perpendiculaire. In 2014, he won the Roger-Caillois prize in the essay category.

Jean-Michel Alberola
Painter, sculptor, and movie director at the same time, he tries to associate painting to writing and speaking. He is represented since 1982 by the Daniel Templon Gallery in Paris and Bruxelles. He is also a teacher at the Paris Fine-arts school since 1991. His work is at the same time biographic and situational, inspired by the Holy Bible and myths.

Jef Cornelis
Director at the Flemish television, he is known for his essays about plastic arts, architecture, and literature. His work, unique testimony, still participates in the art, architecture, and urbanism debates. He also realized documentaries about René Magritte, Marcel Broodthaers, Jan Fabre, art history, and the Kassel's documentary.
Book Jury
Film Jury
Nicolas Bourriaud
President of the books Jury
French exhibition curator, art historian, and art critic, he is the co-founder of the Palais de Tokyo that he rules from 2000 to 2006. In 2007, he is nominated to the Tate Britain as a Gulbenkian curator for contemporary art. In January 2010, he comes back to Paris to occupy the functions of Inspection of the artistic creation chief in the ministry of Culture. Since 2017, he is nominated General Manager of the Montpellier Contemporain (MoCo).

Clément Cogitore
President of the Films Jury
French contemporary artist and director, he received in 2011 the Salon de Montrouge Great Prize and his documentary Bielutine was selected at the Quinzaine des réalisateurs of the Festival de Cannes. The same year, he was nominated pensionary of the Villa Médicis. Since this date, his work is the subject of regular exhibitions (Palais de Tokyo, Centre Pompidou, MoMA. He won in 2015 the BAL prize of the young creation and the Science Po prize for contemporary art and got, in 2016, the Prize of the enterprise foundation Ricard for contemporary art.

Nicolas Daubanes
Since 2008, he multiplies workshops, artists, residential homes, and teaching in jail experiences. He opened his actions field by going to other social spaces known as "closed" or "prevented". He does not hesitate to recreate situations in which he puts itself to the test, questioning the limits of the existence and of the human condition. His first monograph La vie de rêve was released in 2016. He is represented by the Maubert Gallery in Paris.

Viçens Altaio
Catalan painter and essayist, he is also art critic and writer. He was the director of the KRTU center and of the Arts Santa Monica. He has been commissioner of numerous artistic, literary and scientific exhibitions, as well as the Année Miró, the Plan Annual, and the Année Dalí. True to his multidiscipline career, he played the part of Giacomo Casanova in the Albert Serra's movie Histoire de ma mort.

Grégoire Robinne
Latin teacher at the University of Nantes from 1997 to 2002, he is today director of the Dilecta editions. He created an art and poetry magazine named Les amants et les Fous, after Paul Eluard.

Thomas Lévy-Lasne
Graduated from the national fine-arts school of Paris in 2004, he is the art critic Hector Obalk's assistant for four years, visiting the European museums for television's art chronics (Canal Plus, France 3 and Arte). He collaborates with numerous newspapers as a drawer including Harper’s Bazaar, L’Idiot international, and les Inrock.

Florence Loewy
Since 1989, she is one of the rare specialists in the domain of book and artist publishings. She settles in le Marais in 2001 where she inaugurates a bookshop arranged by the duo Jakob/MacFarlane and initiates an exhibition program that starts with General Idea Boutique Coeurs Volants.
Since 2017, she reverses the spaces between bookshop and gallery, defying her line-up at the gallery, all around the artists she represents. Regarding books, she is dedicated to monographic exhibitions, launches, and selections of artist's books.

Colette Barbier
She is the Director of the Foundation Ricard for contemporary art since 1999.
Books awarded during FILAF 2017

Intimate Geometries: The Art
and Life of Louise Bourgeois
by Robert Storr. The Monacelli Press,
United States, 2016
Après Babel, traduire
by Barbara Cassin. Actes Sud /
MuCEM, France, 2016
Cedric Price Works 1952
- 2003: A Forward-Minded
by Samantha Hardingham.
Architectural Association Publications/
Canadian Centre for Architecture,
England/Canada, 2016
Why is Art Full of Naked People?
: And other vital questions about art
by Susie Hodge. Thames & Hudson, England, 2016
Reset Modernity!
by Bruno Latour and Christophe Leclercq.
Mit Press, United States, 2016

Les frères Le Nain, d'après les écrits
de Jacques Thuillier
by Serge Lemoine. Faton, France, 2016
William N. Copley
by Germano Celant. Fondazione Prada,
The Menil Collection, Italy / United States, 2016
Residential Towers
by Annette Gigon, Guyer Mike, Felix Jerusalem.
GTA, Switzerland, 2016
Histoire de l'écriture typographique,
le XXè siècle (2 volumes)
dir. Jacques André. Perrousseaux
Atelier, France, 2016
Draw Like an Artist:
A Self-Portrait Sketchbook
by Patricia Geis. Princeton
Architectural Press, United States, 2016
Zone de sécurité temporaire
by Anne-Marie Filaire. Textuel, France, 2017

Films awarded during FILAF 2017
Where is Rocky II?
by Pierre Bismuth (FR - ALL - IT - BELG), 93’, 2016.
Prod.: The Ink Connection/Vandertastic/Frakas
Productions/In Between Art Film/Vivo Film
Cinema Novo
by Eryk Rocha (BR), 92’, 2016.
Prod.: Coqueirao Pictures / Aruac Filmes
/ Canal Brasil / FM Produçoes
by Brecht Debackere (BEL), 68’, 2016.
Prod.: Visualantics Production/Cinematek/